The most renowned publishing company in France dealing with Garbo postcards was EUROPE. There were only two other European publishing companies which produced more Garbo postcards worldwide: Ross in Berlin and Picturegoer in London. Europe was a big company with a very good reputation. They published more than 110 Garbo cards.
The first number which came out was no. 31, the last one 3084. The cards appeared in sepia brown and in the light version, in longish and horizontal forms. The special Europe logo can be seen on each card (front, left lower side), the individual card numbers are listed on the front as well (right lower side).
Some cards with the same motive (or segements of he same motive) came out under different card numbers.
Card no. 47 shows the same motive as card no. 943, just with two different tones, sepia brown and light. Card no. 387 portrays Greta in a scene in bed with a bunch of flowers in her hands whereas card no. 584 shows the scene enlarged and limited to her facial expression. Card no. 388 portrays Greta and John Gilbert in a love scene whereas card no. 572 shows Greta alone.
After my research Europe produced 104 different Garbo cards all in the same regular postcard size.
A few cards are still missing. So if you can help to complete our list by scanning some of the the outstanding ones, please be so kind as to do so. If you should have more informations about that company, write an email, would be great. Thank you.
Enjoy the wonderful Europe cards. Garbo forever!