Greta Garbo is the divine star among all silver screen goddesses. Such a legend and icon, such a symbol and personality, such a tremendous actress and celebrity has been honoured throughout her life, starting in the 20-ies already- but has even been more acknowledged after her death in 1990.
The publication of numerous books speaks for itself. We have tried to collect all published books on Garbo and about Garbo, mentioning all well known biographies but also books and booklets in which Garbo is mentioned or where you will find a special relation. Furthermore, we have listed literary works Garbo films have based upon.
So you can get all the information you want to have on that extraordinary woman and her book documentations. And if you want to buy your first Garbo biography - watch our poll. There you will find a list of excellent books we can recommend. Enjoy this section- and enjoy Garbo. For ever...