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Places where Garbo lived


Greta Garbo grew up in Sweden and worked also in Germany before leaving for America. She arrived with Stiller in New York in July 1925. Her first stop in America was New York; she stayed for the first two months in a hotel together with Stiller before leaving for California. Her first stay was at the Miramar-Hotel in Santa Monica, where she stayed the longest during her active time as a film actress. As you will see Garbo moved a lot during her time in California, considering that she arrived in the late twenties and left Hollywood in the forties. She rented several properties in a time when she could have afforded to buy her own home. She might have been insecure about what she wants to do with her career or California might have not been her idea for a place to settle down, we will never know.

Garbo moved to New York and lived first in different places before she moved into her flat in 1953 at the Upper East Side of Manhattan. This place will be her home for nearly 40 years until her death in 1990. Garbo also owned an estate in Sweden, which was looked after by her brother Sven. I imagine that Garbo might have considered New York and Sweden her only real homes.


Blekingegatan 32, Södermalm, Stockholm: 1905 - 1925

Greta Garbo lived at this address in Stockholm, until she left Sweden, in June 25. She shared a modest 4-room-flat (without warm water) with her parents, on the third floor of a four-story apartment block in the Soeder-district.The original building was demolished in 1967.

The new building at Bleckingegaten 32 was the location for »Greta's Krog & Bistro«, an restaurant But it closed in the very early 1990s and it is since 1993 an Italian Restaurant……

The Apartment block

Greta with 9 and 15 years old.

The original building was demolished in 1967


Berlin's Hotel Adlon: August 1924

(in treatment)

On August 16, 1925,  Stiller, Garbo and Gerda Lundeqvist travelled to Berlin. The journey took two days and for Greta it was the first time abroad. The Germans welcomed the Swedish stars warmly. Stiller, Greta and Gerda stayed in Berlin's Hotel Adlon.

Garbo, Lundeqvist and Stiller in Berlin


Pera-Palace-Hotel, Istanbul: December 1924 - January 1925

The intention to shoot Odalisken från Smolna, for the German film company Trianon A.G., b rought Stiller and Garbo to Istanbul (at the time called Constantinople); the stayed at the luxurious Pera-Palace-Hotel.

On December 3, Greta, Stiller and the film team arrived in Turkey. For the team the days in Constantinople were filled with preparations and chaotic work. Shortly after their arrival,  the Trianon Film AG  went bankrupt and on January 23, 1925, Greta returned to Berlin and started working on Die freudlose Gasse.


Greta in Constantinopel

Read more HERE!


Hotel Esplanade, Berlin: January - April 1925

Garbo and Stiller returned to Berlin after the collapse of the Trianon Company, which resulted in the cancellation of the Odalisken-project, They stayed at the Esplanade, one of the most sophisticated hotels of the city.

The Esplanade in the 1920s

Greta in March 1925.

Read more HERE!


Hotel Commodore, New York: July 1925

Garbo and Stiller occupied rooms at the Hotel Commodore in the first two months of their stay in America.The Hotel Commodore (today the Grand Hyatt) was a modest place, at 42 nd street, which formed a part of Grand Central Station and just a few steps away from the MGM office at Broadway.

The Hotel Commodore

Garbo and Mauritz Stiller in New York


Miramar-Hotel, Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica: September 1925 - late 1928

MGM put up Garbo in the Miramar-Hotel (today the Miramar-Sheraton) at the Wiltshire Boulevard in Santa Monica. She had allocated a room come bedroom, a kitchenette and a bathroom, her window was facing the Pacific Ocean. In those days the Miramar was composed  of Villa, built 1889 by Silberbaron John P. Jones from Nevada and a six story high annex, which was only one year before erect, in which Garbo's room was located.

This is the address Garbo lived the longest of all the places in Los Angeles – in fact she stayed here nearly three years.


1400 Tower Road, Beverly Hills: ca. 1926 - 1928

John Gilbert fell head over heels in love with Garbo during the shooting of Flesh and the Devil. Garbo moved in with Gilbert about one month after completion of the film. Gilbert's house was located on a hill and directly next to King Vidor, who lived at 1400 Tower Road.

This small and winding road starts behind the Beverly Hills Hotel and wiggles its way through eucalyptus and thorn bushes. The two-story house was built in Spanish style, and offered a tennis court as well as a swimming pool. On the ground floor were an entrance hall and an enormous ballroom. The top floor rooms had a fantastic view of the city. The crafted walnut furniture was inspired in line with the Spanish style of the seventeen century.

Gilbert's house

Hollywood 1927: Garbo and Gilbert


Karlsbergsvägen 52, Stockholm: December 1928 - February 1929

Garbo renewed her request for a holiday after Wild Orchids because she had the fish to travel to Sweden. This time her request was granted. Garbo left secretively Hollywood by train at the end of December 1928.

Her ticket and luggage had the label “Alice Smith”. Reporter caught her, when she was about to board the Kungsholm and they were impressed by the composed dignity of Garbo. A flat was rented for Garbo at Karlsbergsvaegen 52, which was also the address of Lars Hanson and Victor Sjöström at some point in time.

Even at this, her first visit to her beloved Sweden had Garbo duties to fulfill. She promised to be available for the promotion to the Swedish distribution of The Mysterious Lady at the disposal of MGM. She agreed to sit for two well-known artists in the lobby of the palladium, where the premier took place. At arrival a sea of sketchbooks were viable.

Back in Sweden

Garbo gets sketched


Beverly Hills Hotel: 1929

After her return to Hollywood, Harry Edington thought that the time has come, that his protégée should live the life as a star. The fact, that her salary was increase nearly tenfold – credit to Edinton – hadn't noticeable changed her customs.

Only after being pressed by Edington, did Garbo agreed to move out of her first and modest apartment at the Miramar into the luxurious Beverly Hills Hotel. At that time Garbo was one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood who could look back to ten movie successes.


Chevy Chase Drive 1027, Beverly Hills: Spring 1929 - Spring 1930

After her return from Sweden, he was of the opinion, that she should have her own house and he recommended one on Chevy Chase Drive in Beverly Hills, which he had chosen for her during her time abroad.

It was build in Spanish Style, painted white, with red tiled roof, completely furnished and ready to move in. The property was spacious, U-shaped built, with a swimming pool and a patio in the middle. And most importantly: high walls surrounded it. Garbo liked it instantaneously and agreed to rent it for a year.

Garbo in front of her new house

Garbo lived here only one year


Camden Drive, Beverly Hills:  Mid 1930

Her lease on the property run out in the middle of shooting the German Version of Anna Christe and Romance and she had to find a new house.

Precipitately she rented the first house shown to her for a monthly rent of $ 600 and signed a one-year contract. Soon it will turn out to be an unfortunate move. The house was located on Camden Drive, a few blocks away from the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Nobody told her about the Tramstartion next to the house. The tram kept her awake in the first night in the new house and by the time a month has passed Garbo the lack of sleep brought her to the end of her tether.


San Vicente Boulevard, Beverly Hills: 1930

Wilhelm Sörensen found Garbo's next house. It was located close to the strand at the San Vicente Boulevard.

The long driveway to the entrance was flanked by high cypresses and a beautiful garden with a well look-after lawn belongs to the property. The two-story cream-painted stucco house included three bedrooms and two bathrooms.


North Carmelina Avenue, Brentwood: Late 1933

Garbo found a suitable house at North Camelina Avenue in Brentwood, soon after completion of Queen Christina.

Here again she was the neighbor of Mercedes de Acosta. House, which was already rented out to Jeanette MacDonald When Garbo returned to Hollywood, first task was again to find a house.

Mercedes de Acosta had a house in mind, which was already rented out to Jeanette MacDonald. First, the very popular singer had not intention to move out; however, Garbo could not find any other property, which could be compared to the one. Finally, she succeeded and got it.


North Rockingham Road, Beverly Hills: Fall 1931 - early summer 1932

Garbo moved again, just before she started to work on Mata Hari. This time Mercedes, who found the domicile at San Vicente Boulevard bleak, influenced her choice. She initiated Garbo to rent a bigger house, which she found for her at North Rockingham Road. The rent amounted to $ 1000 per month; the house had its own tennis court and a garden with view to Canyon and hill.

In addition, equally important, it was only a few hundred meters from Mercedes' house away. It was the year 1932, banks declared bankrupcy. Among the banks that close their counters was also the Beverly Hills First National Bank, in which Garbo had deposited a part of her savings.

Luckier then most others, Garbo had secure investments in Sweden, which were not touched by the crisis. Nevertheless, she did not have any cash until the arrival of the next cheque. The renewal of her contract was imminent and Garbo was afraid that the ruthless business people of MGM might be capable to cut her pay if they would here of her predicament.

At the same time her lease for the house at North Rockingham ran out. Garbo could not afford to renew her contract and MGM should not know about it either. Mercedes proposed to move into her house, even so it meant that Mercedes had to vacate her own home. Garbo accepted the offer.


Mabery Road 165, Santa Monica: 1933

In spring 1933 Garbo traveled under one of her aliases on a Cargo ship, which brought her back via the Panama Canal.

Salka Viertel, who invited Garbo to stay at her place, until she found a own house, picked her up at arrival in San Diego.


558 North Bristol Ave Los Angeles: mid1930s

Mercedes De Acosta expected Garbo to move in with her in 1936, she erected a 10-foot tall wall with spikes atop, for GG.


Thanks to Bob



193 N Carmelina Ave Los Angeles


1050 Woodland Drive, Beverly Hills


9091 Alto Cedro Drive, Beverly Hills


Thanks to Bob


Hårby, near Stockholm: Owned by Greta between 1936 -1947

Sven Gustafson, the brother of Garbo, bought the Hårby estate in the name of his sister, in summer of 1936 and paid 276,000 kronor, to allow her the possibility to return for her holidays in Sweden.

The Estate covered 1000 acres and dated back to the 16th Century when it was owned by the noble family of Leuhus. It was owned by Greta between 1936 -1947. Garbo's brother Sven took care of the estate and lived their, along with his family and mother, from 1937- 1939, until they moved to California.

The Hårby estate

More infos  HERE!


North Amalfi Drive: 1939 - 1949 (?)

1939 was a good year for Greta. The shooting of Ninotschka were a pleasant experience for Garbo.

She lived in a new house at North Amalfi Drive, not far away from Aldous Huxley and Mercdes de Acosta. She got to know through Mercedes Gaylord Hauser and was excited about his Natural Food as well as his presence.

She liked working with Ernst Lubitsch, which she considered one of the great Film directors. Hollywood announced in Bold: “Garbo laughs!” The real meaning was probably: “Garbo is allowed to laugh” – some of her friends asked if all those years of sad movies might have influenced her negatively.

Garbo photographed by Cecil Beaton in 1948


Le Grand Hotel et de Rome, Italy: August - October 1949

(in treatment)


Reddish House, Broadchalke - Wiltshire/England: 1951

Garbo often visited her friend Cecil Beaton in England. She was a guest in his house. Beaton was one of the most important photographers of the last century and a close friend of Garbo.

Beaton's house in England, Reddish House - Wiltshire. On a table is a picture of Garbo.

In the summer of 1951, Garbo was Beaton's guest for six weeks at Reddish House in Broadchalke, near Salisbury. During that time treated her to a social whirl that included a meeting with Princess Margaret, with whom she "got along like a palace on fire". She also got on famously with the local vicar and shopkeepers, whose Wiltshire accents and quirky personalities she loved. "It was a revelation to watch her coming to life [and] taking to Wiltshire ways as if this was where she belonged," Beaton wrote in his diaries.

Garbo and Beaton, England 1951

From October to November, 1951 – Garbo visited Beaton In England for the first time. Beaton photographed her in Salisbury and in the mansion of Beaton at Reddish House, Broadchalke.

Garbo by Beaton, 1951

Thanks to G.

Source: Barry Paris - Garbo


Hotel Ritz Tower, Park Avenue, New York: 1951

Garbo took quarters in New York's Ritz Tower, after leaving Hollywood.
Mostly happy about this move was probably Mercedes de Acosta, who had an apartment at Park Avenue 471, of which she could see Garbo's north facing rooms.

Mercedes told the story that during the wartime when one was not allowed to show light at night “we gave each other signs with candles. Why we were not arrested for this affence is still today a riddle to me.”

Hampshire House, New York 1951 Garbo moved from the Ritz into a suite with four rooms located on the seventeenth floor of The hampshire House at Central Park South 150.


450 East Fifty-second Street, New York: 1953 - 1990

In October 1953 happened the last and most important move of her life: Pressured by Schlee, Garbo bought for $ 38000 a Seven-room-apartment on the fifth floor of the house situated at East Fifty-Second Street, number 450.

On the floor below lived Schlee and Valentina. The elegant condominium was built in 1927 and was also known as “Campanile”after the original owner, Beekman Companile Inc. The house is located at a cul-de-sac and has a view of the Roosevelt Drive and the East River.

After having residences of people like Alexander Wollcot and Novellist Alice Duer Miller, the building was nicknamed “Wit's End”. Others were the daughter of Otto Kahn Nin Ryan and the actor Rex Harrison and Mary Martin who were at some point in time inhabitants at this address.

The house in early 2000.

More Infos  HERE!



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Unsorted "House" pics



Addresses, where Garbo lived in California:

Garbo in America - click the map

9091 Alto Cedro Drive
Beverly Hills , California
DATE(S): 1938 referred to this as her 'country retreat'

904 North Bedford Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): mid 1940s

9330 Beverly Crest Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1936-1937 estate owned by Leopold Stokowski

603 Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s

631 Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s

527 Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1920s rented to Garbo in mid-1920s

810 Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s

1027 Chevy Chase Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s

615 N Faring Road
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s

345 St. Pierre Road
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s rented for short time

1400 Tower Grove Road
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1920s-1930s lived in cabin behind original Gilbert mansion on site

1050 Woodland Drive
Beverly Hills, California
DATE(S): 1930s rented, sometimes incorrectly listed to as 10033 Woodlawn

3424 W Adams Boulevard
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1920s

1919 N Argyle Avenue
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1930s

558 N Bristol Avenue
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1930s area was referred to as Bristol Heights at the time

193 N Carmelina Avenue
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1940s

350 N Cliffwood Avenue
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1930s

407 N Rockingham Avenue
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1932

8152 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1930s Garden of Allah Apts.

8221 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1930s often secluded herself at the Chateau Marmont for privacy

2074 Watsonia Terrace
Los Angeles, California
DATE(S): 1930s Villa Vallambrosa

1461 Amalfi Drive
Pacific Palisades, California
DATE(S): 1930s

156 Mabery Road
Santa Monica, California
DATE(S): early 1930s boarded with Viertels

1100 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, California
DATE(S): 1930s Miramar Hotel (at Ocean Ave. and Wilshire Blvd.)

1717 San Vicente Boulevard
Santa Monica, California
DATE(S): 1930s

Greta Garbo - Frederic Sands und Sven Broman
Garbo – Barry Paris
Greta Garbo – A Life Apart, K.Swenson
Garbo and Sweden
Garbo's House in Sweden 
Garbo's Apartment in New York 
Garbo in Berlin 
Garbo's Grave 
Garbo's Estate 
Garbo Stockholm Tour 


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