Greta had attracted an older admirer during the making of the short film Herrskapet Stockholm ute på inkop. His name was Max Gumpel, a bachelor in his early thirties and a wealthy construction baron. He was the owner and manager of one of Sweden's most successful construction firms.
He often visited the set. Gumpel's seven old nephew Erick, was also in the film. Erick played Greta's little brother. Years later Max said that he was very taken by Garbo. Greta liked his affable style and manner. One day he asked the 15 year old Greta to dine with him. She accepted and went to his glamorous apartment.

Gumpel, in later years
Greta discovered the social value of her position when Gumpel, showed up at her counter one day, was immediately attracted to her, and invited her home to dinner. Rather boldly, she accepted. Gumpel served artichokes to the dismayed girl, who had never seen such a complex vegetable before.
When they became better friends, he gave her a gold ring set with a small stone which she told him was ‘as beautiful as a diamond in the English Royal Crown'. Swedish discretion has erased any evidence, but Gumpel was very likely Garbo's first lover.
Greta's mother, Anna Gustafsson was pleased to see her with such a fine gentlemen. One day Max made her a present. A tiny gold ring with a small diamond in it. The dated for a while but one day in 1921, they separated. They were still good friends afterwards.