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Mimi about Garbo


Mimi often spoke about Garbo but always in a respectful way.


Mimi talks about Greta, Alva, and Dramaten

"Garbo went out frequently in a black velvet evening cape, either for dramatic effect or because it was one of the few garments she possessed, maybe both. She dressed badly in general, and her peers felt sorry for her because they knew she was hard up. She walked the two and a half miles from home to the Academy to save carfare, and at lunch we often shared a twenty-cent dish."

"Alva gave her money for clothes and other necessities during her first year at Dramaten, thus strengthening the already close bond between the sisters. Even at this stage, a certain mystery surrounded Garbo, largely because she kept her thoughts to herself. 'We never knew whether she knew it all or knew nothing,' said one of her classmates."


Mimi's 1993 interview

In 1993, Mimi talked about Garbo on Swedish TV.

Mimi 1993
Mimi 1993

"She liked walking around in Stockholm very mouch, we did laugh at her, because she spend more than four hours/day just walking, and walking and walking, and every time she was searching her old favourite places from her childhood. A person who always walked with her was Einar Nerman, and they where good friend. I could´t reach her at this time cause the was walking arround somewhere in Stockholm."

"One time, they came in and laughed, they always had a lot of fun together, but I was looking at Einar and said to him. But Einar, you have been very skinny, and he said, of course, I'm forced to run after Greta all the time. Every time when she saw a poor person, she crossed the way and give him/her some money, she was very considerate, and that was very unswedish behaviour, I think she got it from Amerika."

"She also was very philosophic, she was thinking a lot. Yes, she was very alone, but of course, she had a lot of friends, but we never talked about loneliness, but I remember ones, when I was asking her about it, and she just said, don't ask questions".

You can see the interview HERE!
Greta and Mimi Trivia
Letters Garbo wrote
to Mimi Pollak
Mimi Pollak - Introduction


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