Shipboard Press Conference 1938 |

October 7, 1938
Here is an expert from the famous Garbo press conference she once held in Göteborg/Sweden (on Board of the Gripsholm). The date was October 7, 1938. The interview was published in a German News (ZB) magazine.
Interview with Greta Garbo : She gives her first interview - a certain Mr. Jones Emerson |
Quite early in the morning we sat in the hall of the grand hotel Haglund in Goeteborg, drank coffee and talked to each other about any possibility to get an interview with Garbo, the unapproachable daughter of Sweden while snow whirled against the windows. On the snowcovered streets of the biggest Swedish trading town was nighty darkness when we went on in those comfortable cars of Goeteborg's American line- their nicest ocean vessel "Gripsholm" was supposed to bring the divine to her home country-through empty streets towards the harbour.
A cutter of Goeteborg's customs takes us closer to the ocean monster. Then we are on board of the swimming hotel, sit in the dining hall, resfreshing with coffee and rolls and get to know that Greta Garbo inhabits cabins no.17 and 21- two elegant rooms with private bath and that the divine went on board in men's cloths under the name Mr. Jones Emerson. You saw her quite seldom on the promenade deck of the "Gripsholm". Some times she had played a few games on deck with a Scandinavian officer and had fun with jogging around in a skidress.
Apart from that she constantly lived in her cabin where she got served her meals- Greta Garbo ordered a special diet. Once she was begged by the passengers to come to the dining hall. Garbo didn't agree. "I have little children with me" she said as excuse.
While there are the strangest rumours circling about the divine in the elegant dining hall of that ocean monster, we are introduced to Mr. Sven Gustaffson, the Garbo brother. He informs us that his sister would be ready to give a short interview to the press if they can promise to let her go from board in Goeteborg without any trouble.
We wait for her in the library room of the "Gripsholm". Photo cameras form a lane around the big armchair on which Greta will have a seat in a few moments. Filmcameras are getting set up, have to be taken off again instantly because just that film company where Greta is under contract has the right to film her. And then the doors open and that woman enters the hall whose name is a concept in Berlin, London and Vienna as well as in Sydney, Alaska or the African jungle and whose fame is spread over 5 continents.
She is glad to spend christmas in Sweden |
The divine is among us, talking to us, ready and eager to answer our questions being just a little Miss Gustaffson in this moment who has taken a seat in our middle, smiling and modest. Her eyes express a certain joy. That's the way a young Swedish girl looks like, being tired of a long journey and looking forward to Xmas in Sweden.
Now Garbo isn't the filmstar anymore who gives enthusiasm with her unique acting skills. Now we talk to a simple woman who looks a little bit exhausted and nervous. Her hairs almost reach her shoulders, a real plain black coat- as every female clerk in Stockholm would wear- wraps up the slim shape. She wears shoes with low heels, thick socks over silk stockings and grey wool gloves as thousands of young Swedish girls are wearing now when they put up a snowball fight or going iceskating on a skating rink.
About her best artistic performance |
"What was her best artistic performance after her opinion?" I asked the Garbo. "I guess I didn't get that part yet which I could play best". "Haven't you been satisfied by the role of Maria Walewska, whom you embodied lately, Napoleon's lover?" "No, that part didn't interest me much" explains Greta Garbo.
"But I will play a modern comedy in my next film and I think that the subject will please me". "How long would you like to stay in Europe?" the questioning continues. "About 10 months probably. Im between I will film in London". "And don't you also feel like doing a film in Sweden?" "Why not? If there would only be suitable directors!"
About marriage |
"And now another question. Why don't you marry?" Greta Garbo thinks for a moment before she gives answer to that Swedish journalist who has put the question. "That's quite simple" she replies, "I still didn't find the right partner". "Do you believe that a marriage could disturb your artistic work somehow eventually?" "I can't judge that" insures Garbo, "that mainly depends on the partner. After all I could imagine that a marriage might influence the artistic power of a human being somehow in this or that relation."
Greta Garbo doesn't seem to like talking about this subject. She says goodbye to us and the conversation with the world's darling is finished. The "Gripsholm" has reached the harbour of Goeteborg. Garbo goes ashore through a lane of Swedish police. Sweden's citizens cheer the famous daughter. A rain of flowers falls upon the northern beauty. In a regular cab Greta disappears with her brother.
More Pictures HERE!
Thanks to Bea and Werner |