Candid Pictures 1950's |
1950 Candids
(in treatment) |
1951 Candids
Los Angeles/USA, February 1951
Garbo becomes American citizen.

Garbo signed a preliminary Declaration of Intention form on June 10, 1951.

Greta Garbo stood with 150 others at the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization in New York
to take the oath of allegiance and become an American citizen.

October/November 1951, London/England
Beaton and Garbo walking in London, 17th November 1951.

Garbo hides her face with her handbag as she leaves an election night reception at the Savoy Hotel, London with Beaton, 26th October 1951. Garbo is staying with Beaton during a visit to London.

Garbo and Cecil Beaton with British politician Anthony Head at an Election Night Reception given by newspaper proprietor Lord Camrose (William Berry, right) in the Savoy Hotel, London.
1952 Candids
Europe, 1952

This is not Garbo as many fans thought.
This is Schlee and Valentina.

This is Garbo.
Paris/France, 1952

Salzburg/Austria, 1952
Garbo stopped off with Baron Rothschild at Salzburg, Austria during 1952 tour on which she used the incognito “Harriet Brown.”

Paris /France 1952
Garbo at the Galerie Charpentier
Garbo watching paints of Cognacq-Jay Collection, at the Galerie Charpentier, Garbo has not taken off her black glasses. As always, GG is leaving when the photographs arrived. But the photographs has found another person Madame Jean Walter, which has bought for 33 millions, the most beautiful of 55 paints, les pommes et les biscuits, of Cézanne.
The total of auctions must exceeded 302 millions. At the exception of Museum of DEN HAAG which has bought a Jongkind, all pictures have been bought by particulars which 50% are french.
Paris-Match will publish in color this wonders intended to collectors and that the public probably will not see never more.
New York/USA 1952

1953 Candids
Italy, 1953

Garbo and George Schlee

Rapallo/Italy, Aug 12, 1953
Garbo and Rex Harrisson.

New York/USA, Sept 22, 1953
Garbo and Schlee at the Queen Mary

1954 Candids
Cape d'Antibes, France, 1954

Garbo and Schlee

Thanks to RubyRed
Europe, 1954


1955 Candids
Paris/France, 1955
Garbo at Orly airport

Monaco, 1955
Garbo with Onassis

Venice/Italy, July 23, 1955

GG and Valentina Walks from a cabana on the Lido in Venice, where she is vacationing.
1956 Candids
Cannes/France, July/August, 1956

Orly airport, Paris/France, 1956

France, 1956
Garbo and Schlee

Cap d'Ail/Monacco, 1956
Garbo and Schlee

Monte Carlo/Monacco, 1956

USA, 1956

1957 Candids

Europe, 1957
Garbo and Onassis

Monaco/France, June 29 1957
Monaco Railway Station. Garbo was met by Onassis, on a route to the French Rivera.

1958 Candids
Rome/Italy, 1958

Rome/Italy, 1958

Italy, August - Septemer, 1958
Garbo with Georg and Valentina Schlee

France, September/October 1958
Garbo at the Cap Martin.

1959 Candids
Paris/France, 1958/1959
Garbo and George Schlee visiting Dior.

Undated Candids